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The Not-So Technical Guide to Switcher Studio

How to Live Stream with Switcher Studio

In case you missed my live stream presentation of the Not-So Technical Guide to Switcher Studio on December 17, I’ve embedded the recording here. This collaboration with Switcher Studio came from the notion that while I may have some technical knowledge on video and audio production — I do have a college degree in it — I approach live streaming very simply. So simply that anyone can use my approach and be successful, without fancy equipment, technical knowledge or skill.

Switcher Studio and I then, collaborated to produce this how-to guide for live-streaming that was written with the non-techy person in mind. Any brand, business, agency or even individual can live stream, and can do so with the equipment you probably already have, but without advanced technical knowledge. This video takes the layperson without all that technical experience through how to live stream. It covers:

I use Switcher Studio for my weekly live stream show, Digging Deeper, as well as with several client projects. While there are several other live stream production options out there, most are too basic to pull off some of the finer points of looking and sounding professional. Switcher Studio was built by professional video producers, originally to use iOS devices to produce event recordings. They brought that same technology to bear on live streaming and have become the professional producer’s choice for live stream production software.

Give the video a watch and do ask questions. I’d love to help you get your live stream up and running and am happy to chime in here or on any of my social channels. You can also jump into the Switcher Studio 101 or Switcher Studio Enthusiast groups on Facebook and the community of users can help, too.

And for disclosure’s sake, Switcher Studio is a sponsor of Digging Deeper and a content partner of mine. Learn more and sign up for a free trial at When you get to the sign-up point, use the code FALLS and get 10% off your subscription for as long as you have it!

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