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State Run TV, Is Creative Dead and #GivingTuesday – GAC Episode 36

Keynote speaker Jason Falls on State Run TV

We had an important discussion today on Go Ahead Caller, responding to the President’s insinuation that the United States needed state run television. But we also talked about whether or not artificial intelligence and marketing automation would kill advertising creatives and shared some non-profit love on #GivingTuesday.

So go ahead, dial it up and share the show with your networks today!

Remember to join me each Tuesday morning between 8 a.m. and 8:15 a.m. ET for a Facebook Live broadcast of Go Ahead Caller. Send your questions, topics, jokes, stories and ideas to me in the comments here, via the social networks (I’m @JasonFalls most places) or via email at jason – at – And share the show with your friends. Government TV said so.

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