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Understanding Social Algorithms and My Favorite Podcasts – GAC Episode 50

Jason Falls Discusses Algorithms

Our regularly scheduled conversation with Demetrius Gray, founder and CEO of WeatherCheck, had to be post-poned as he fell ill with the flu the day before, so on this episode of Go Ahead Caller, I take a stab at explaining the social media platform algorithms and look at what businesses need to consider when trying to optimize social content for them.

Algorithms are a tricky thing to understand because they not only include hundreds of factors, but we don’t ever know exactly how many or what they are. But studying algorithms shows you some of the keys to ranking well on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube, among others.

I also spend some time talking about podcast and list my favorites, a couple that I’m taking off my list and three new ones I’m going to try out. Jump in and let me know what your favorite podcasts are! Go ahead … give it a spin!

Do you have someone in the marketing world you would like me to invite on the show? Drop your suggestions in the comments or send them to me on the social networks (I’m @JasonFalls almost everywhere) or via email at jason – at –

Join me each Tuesday morning between 8 a.m. and 8:15 a.m. ET for a Facebook Live broadcast of Go Ahead Caller. And share the show with your friends. Or Myers-Briggs it, ya freak. Heh.

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