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Leveraging Podcasts to Enhance Your Brand of Influence

Christopher Hines on Winfluence

Winfluence is not a podcast about podcasts. There are plenty of those out there. I listen to 2-3 to keep myself informed about the tips and tricks, ideas and innovations in the space. There are far more qualified people out there sharing that type of content specific to genre.

Podcasts, however, are content creations of content creators who leverage those mechanisms to build audiences and influence. And so they fall squarely in the crosshairs of what we need to know and explore on the show. I’ve said before owned content mechanisms like blogs and podcasts, email newsletters and the like are an important category of creation influencers everywhere need to pay attention to.

In this episode, we’re going to hammer that home a bit. 

One of the podcasts about podcasting I listen to is The Business of Podcasting. Christopher Hines, or The Coach Chris as he is known online, offers up short, informal but informational riffs on how to leverage podcasts to make money, drive value for your business and more. He mixes in an occasional guest and is just useful for new and emerging podcasters.

Chris is also the man behind the Personal Branding Playbook. Both shows are on the Marketing Podcast Network, which I run and Winfluence is a part of as well. Being exposed to Chris’s wisdom and straightforward coaching ideas compelled me to have him come on the show and share a bit of his knowledge with you, too.

Today we’ll talk about why you content creators need to consider podcast. Who may not need to. And then we’ll dive into the ways you can make money from your podcast.

Welcome to two new sponsors to Winfluence this month! Today’s episode is brought to you by Zencastr and Basecamp. I’m excited to tell you more about them, because I use them both. All the interviews I record for this show are captured with Zencastr. I’ve used it for years to capture high-quality audio over the web. It does high-quality video, too.

Zencastr records each guest locally … the file is saved to their computer … then it uploads the crystal clear audio and video right into a cloud folder and the Zencastr suite so you have high-quality raw materials to work with.

Get 30% off a pro account at

And if you’re wondering how I keep all my work organized for this podcast and all the influence marketing strategies I’m working on for clients out there? That’s easy. Basecamp. I’ve been using it for project management and team communications for almost two decades.

Basecamp is all about simplicity. It’s designed to give you and your team the tools you need to get work done. Messages, to-dos, file storage, chat, calendar and more. Bring all-in-one project management to your business. There’s a 30-day free trial. You do not need a credit card to try it.  

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Scroll Down for a Show Transcript!

The Winfluence theme music is “One More Look” featuring Jacquire King and Stephan Sharp by The K Club found on Facebook Sound Collection.

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I’m thrilled to return to Content Marketing World in 2022 and share ideas on how brands can leverage influencers to help build their content marketing strategies. We’ll get into the weeds a bit and you’ll go home with great ideas on how to pull more value from your creator partnerships.

Sign up now by clicking on the badge (or here) and use the code FALLS100 to save $100 off the ticket price! See you in Cleveland!

Chris Hines Transcript

[00:00:00] Jason: On this episode of Winfluence.

[00:00:02] Christopher: Everybody thinks you can only get sponsored. That’s like the most popular one, but that’s the hardest one. Obviously you can sell your own products. You can be an affiliate, but there are some other things you can do. You can do product mentions. Where for me, I’m doing this right now.

When I, with my new book to business, a podcasting where I’m paying podcasters to mention my book on their show, a certain amount of times, super simple. I want them to get the book, read it, and then mention it on the show. Three times is a minimum, and then I pay them for that. Right. If you’re a podcaster, you make no money from your show. I’m pretty sure you’d take 20 to 30 bucks to talk about a book, right? Like it’s kind of a no brainer.

[00:00:38] Jason: There’s a difference between being an influencer and actually influencing I’m Jason falls. And in this podcast, we explore the people, companies, campaigns, and stories that illustrate that difference. Welcome to winfluence the influence marketing podcast.

Hello again, friends. Thanks for listening to winfluence. The influence marketing podcast Winfluence is not a podcast about podcasts. There are plenty of those out there. I listen to two or three a week to keep myself informed about the tips and tricks, the ideas and innovations in the space. There are far more qualified people out there sharing that type of content specific to the genre.

Podcasts. However, are content creations of content creators who leverage those mechanisms to build audiences and influence. And so they fall squarely in the crosshairs of what we need to know and explore on this show. I’ve said before owned content mechanisms like blogs and podcasts, email newsletters, and the like are an important category of creation, influencers everywhere need to pay attention to today.

We’re gonna hammer that home a bit. One of the podcasts about podcasting I listen to is the business of podcasting. Christopher Hines or the coach, Chris, as he is known online, offers up short, informal, but informational rifts on how to leverage podcasts to make money drive value for your business, and more. He mixes in an occasional guest and is just useful for new and emerging podcasters.

Chris is also the man behind the personal branding playbook. Both shows are on the marketing podcast network, which I run and winfluence is a part of as well. Being exposed to Chris’s wisdom and straightforward coaching ideas compelled me to have him come on the show and share a bit of his knowledge with you too.

Today. We’ll talk about why you content creators need to consider podcasting who may not need to, and then will dive into the ways you can make money from your podcast. Lots of useful information and advice from the coach, Chris, Christopher Hines coming up on influence. Now the way I’m able to bring you Chris, and all the other guests we have here on win influence to you each week is with Zencaster.

I’ve used it for quality audio recording over the internet for years now, Zencaster builds itself as an all in one podcast production suite that gives you studio quality, audio and video without needing all the technical knowhow. And that is absolutely true. Here’s why Zencaster works so well, you folks considering a podcast or doing one, but having some issues, recording guests and whatnot, pay attention to this Zencaster records.

Each guest locally, the audio and or video file is saved to the guest computer. Your version obviously is saved to your computer. Zencaster then uploads the crystal clear audio and video right into a cloud folder and the Zencaster suite. So you have high quality raw materials to work with. Your recording is awesome because it’s on your machine.

Theirs is two because it’s saved on their machine with local settings, then uploaded. So you can get to it. Stop recording. One track in zoom and other softwares. Do. The professional way, like we do here on win influence. And as a listener of this show, you get 30% off a pro account. There’s also a free trial.

So you can test before you commit, just go to that’s Z E Take your podcast recordings, video, and audio to the next level. Sound good, just like me and our guests. And if you’re wondering how I keep all my work organized for this podcast and all the influence marketing strategy work I’m doing for clients out there, that’s easy base camp.

I lost track of how long I’ve been using it for project management and team communications. It’s been around for 18 years. So that’s about how long I’ve been using it. Base camp is all about simplicity. It’s designed to give you and your team, the tools you need to get work, done. Message to dos file storage, chat, calendars, and more.

Bring all in one project management to your business with base camp. There’s a 30 day free trial. You do not need a credit card to try it. Just go to That’s and use the project management software. They write about books and stuff. It’s great. Really seriously.

Great software base camp. Is that URL. We’re gonna get smarter about podcasting, including how to monetize your podcast. Christopher Hines, the coach, Chris is next on win, influence.

Chris, every episode of your podcast is useful, actually, every episode of both your shows, the personal branding playbook and the business of podcasting are, but. The business of podcasting, I think has been on fire of late. I’ve really enjoyed getting your insights about podcast monetization. And I want you to share some of that information with us today, but before we dig into that, I’m really curious how Christopher Hines came to be the man who knows all this stuff.

Take us back to your first efforts on podcasting and the social web front. How’d you get into this.

[00:06:06] Christopher: Oh, man, I got invited onto a radio show once, like just a random radio show on sports, Twitter. And this was back on Twitter was just starting and it was really picking up and I had never done anything live or anything like that.

Before, up until that point, I hadn’t done any type of content creation. This isn’t like 2015, maybe. It was a great experience, man. I had so much fun. We were talking for about an hour and a half and I didn’t even realize it that’s how much fun I was having. and when I got off the live show, I went back to Twitter and people were like, oh my God, you sound great.

This is amazing. What’s your podcast. And I’m like, I don’t even know what that is. So that kind of led me into launching a show. And I got lucky cuz when I launched my first show, , it was a basketball podcast and I was like, man, really deep into the sports world. So I gotta talk to some NBA players and this is when I was living in LA.

So it was just perfect. You know, it was a perfect kind of a perfect storm and it was a really great experience cuz that’s what got me interested and I had a lot of fun early on and that helped me learn a lot faster too. I think it’s easy to learn when you’re also having fun while doing it. So my first month podcasting went, went by like that.

It was super fast talking to NBA players and retire veterans and stuff. But then one thing happened, it made me almost quit. I almost quit. I had done a ton of interviews. I had like 10 interviews, like all of my hour, each on my old MacBook, it was like 10 years old. I should have been thrown it away. One day I wake up and a computer doesn’t turn on and I lost all that content.

That is whew. I learned a lot in the early days, man. I did

[00:07:41] Jason: Don’t we all, I think everybody’s got a good, you know, computer fail story out there. So you started this NBA podcast, but then, I mean, eventually podcasting and advising people on podcast became your business. So how did that sort of. Well after

[00:07:56] Christopher: doing it for so long, I realized that I could kind of help people with it.

And I actually took, it was a two year period where I was doing a lot of consulting completely free on Facebook and stuff, or on Twitter, people would just hit me up and say, Hey, I wanna talk to you about my podcast. And I would just talk to ’em and. After talking to literally, I kept a list of people of over a hundred people.

I’m like, okay, now I can turn this into something. Cause I hadn’t even, I didn’t realize that I could make it a business at that point. But after I put in so much work, I’m like, man, it’s time for me to make this an actual company. That’s when I went into production and I started learning more about monetization and I was on the business side of it too.

On one side where. I was working with companies and they were bringing in big sponsors to pay all the podcasters on their platform. So I have a unique perspective because I’ve been the podcaster and the business that’s trying to sponsor the podcast. Mm-hmm . So having operated on both sides gives me a really unique perspective.

And for me it was just grinded it out, man. I actually think that’s what most people should do. If you wanna be like this consultant or whatever, once you talk to 50 people, That’s when you can kind of really open the doors up a bit. You know, that’s what really helped me is talking to 50 people after 50, I realize I’m doing something special.

Yeah, that’s true.

[00:09:10] Jason: Now you’ve got two podcasts. Both of them are on the marketing podcast network, which is another proof point that you’re super smart in my opinion, but those are just your shows. I think you build shows for other clients as well. Give us some insight into your day to day.

[00:09:24] Christopher: I do a lot of launches, not as many as I used to now, I’m working with a lot more companies on launching shows and more of the SAS space, like for startups and things like that, because podcasting is mainstream now, you know, is becoming normal.

So any kind of business can launch it. They have users for their platform and customers buying their book or buying their merchandise. I get so many things you can do from a podcast. I’m also working with a lot of host one-on-one. We’re called monetizing. Cause I think every episode for podcaster should be profitable.

When we look at YouTube YouTubers expect to make money from every video they post mm-hmm . I want podcasters to have that same mindset. Yeah. We gotta operate the same way. And once all of us collectively adopt that mindset. It will be inevitable for us all to get paid like that.

[00:10:09] Jason: Great. Now I do want to get into the depths of the monetization, but before we go there, I want to talk a little bit about the people who listen to this podcast.

The win influence audience includes a good number of influencers, content creators, but the lions share them, I think, are the Instagrammers, maybe the talkers even. Some old school folks still doing Facebook and blogs. There’s some YouTubers in the audience too, but not many of them have made the expansion over to podcasting.

I want you to talk to those folks and tell me and tell them why you think they might, should consider a podcast.

[00:10:42] Christopher: I think everybody should have one right now, man, just because it’s the most popular form of media. Obviously you can combine the audio and the video so you can be on YouTube and on apple podcasts at the same time.

And one thing that people often over. Are the relationships you built when you have a podcast? I’ve talked to people that I would’ve never been in the same room with. They wouldn’t know who I was. I, I literally got an email today because I emailed, I did an interview with Dame Maxwell, like three years ago, years ago on a personal brand and playbook.

And somebody emailed me today. Like, Hey, we wanna pay you to promote this next book and do review on your show. Stuff like that happens when you build relationships through podcasting and truth is there’s no other form of media where you can do. that Granted, it will produce some time to climb the ladder, but if you have a YouTube channel, it’s gonna be really hard to invite somebody, Hey, come on my YouTube channel.

It’s not really to


[00:11:31] Jason: that’s true. And if you, if you’re, if there’s somebody out there in your space, in the vertical, that you know that you’re creating content around, that you want to get to know what more flattering thing to do than to say, Hey, come on my show and let and be the star for an hour or half hour.

And let me talk to you, you know, placating people’s ego is a big thing. It’s a, it’s a great way to get your foot the door.

[00:11:51] Christopher: Oh, And as a pro tip to that one great thing you can do. And I do this all the time. If you wanna interview somebody, people have their projects public. So go and see when that book is coming out.

When they are launching that new course, when their new movies coming out, their new album, I actually, I had a music podcast at one point in time where I talked to, you know, a lot of a list. Artists like literally me and my cohost got invited to like listening parties in New York and stuff. That was one of my shows that we got sponsored before we put our one episode because we did a lot of groundwork and research and stuff.

It was insane how fast that show was successful. You know, I didn’t really love it that much, but it worked like that. So I think everybody should get into the podcasting space cuz yeah, the money is there, but I think so many other things happen around it that the money is gonna find.

[00:12:37] Jason: Well, and the big reason for me is owning your own content.

I mean, podcasts, blogs, email newsletters, that’s content you own, and you can take it from place to place. If one hosting provider shuts down, you can move to another, you take your content with you. Social media content is technically yours, but it’s living on somebody else’s property. They turn off your account or screw with their algorithm a certain way.

And now all of a sudden it’s useless to you. So podcasts fit in that own content category.

[00:13:05] Christopher: Yeah, man. I I’ve seen so many people with big accounts like Instagram, specifically. People are always losing their accounts or getting hacked, or you have 50 other fake accounts pretending to be you. Somebody it’ll be hard for them to take my podcast and pretend to be my podcast.

Like that’s really difficult to do. I just think that if you wanna build a real community, build any kind of brand a podcast is just the best way to go right now. It’s undefeated. Well, it’s, it’s

[00:13:30] Jason: definitely a part of Chris’s personal branding playbook, for sure. And then certainly he helps people out with the monetization, which we’ll get to in a little bit.

Now you said a minute ago that you think everybody should be, you know, diving into the podcast realm right now, but I wanna back up and ask that question a little bit differently. Who shouldn’t podcast. I have my own opinions on that, but I’d love to hear it from the evangelist himself here. Is there anyone out there who you would advise, eh, maybe podcasting it in for you?

[00:13:59] Christopher: You know, I think because everybody likes to talk about certain things. I actually do believe everybody should podcast. I think everybody has to do it in their own way. For me, I can’t host a show anymore where I only do interviews. I can’t, because I want to go on my own solo rans, and I wanna talk about stuff and I kind of have to go off a bit and I, it’s hard to do that during an interview.

So I think you gotta find that balance. And if you have a show that’s about something you’re passionate about. You’re gonna love it. And I tell people that when you’re launching a show, don’t make it about making money or being a celebrity, make it about something you care about. This is one thing that if it’s you’re, if you’re not passionate, if you don’t care about it, you’re not gonna last long because you’re not gonna make any money.

It’s gonna take time to get to that point. Building a relationships won’t be valuable to you. So I actually think everybody can do it. Everybody has to do it in their own way.

[00:14:50] Jason: Well, and if you go out there and look for whatever your topic of interest is, you’re gonna find somebody in the podcast world doing it.

Now they may only have 10 listeners, but they’re probably doing it because they really love it. I used an example and I’ve actually interviewed the gentleman before there is a podcast and I, I actually kind of got into it because I’m a writer by craft and. I really got into this, but it’s the history of the English language.

And this guy puts literally hours of research into how our language was formed. And when you start from episode one, he goes all the way back to like the days of the Druids and the tribes in central Europe and how those languages and communications came about. It’s just, it’s fascinating stuff. If you are a writer and like the English language.

Yeah. But man, there there’s podcasts out there about every damn thing. Literally everything.

[00:15:42] Christopher: I, I heard a show, I heard about a, a couple of shows in the Christian fishing area. so not only Christian, but also fishing. That’s very, very specific and those shows make money. Wow. So it’s, it’s just, I think the focus should be passion first because I’m telling you once the passion is there, then you got some formatting, things, professionalism, stuff like that.

But the money part it’ll work itself out. Trust me.

[00:16:06] Jason: I’m glad that you podcast and that I podcast when we come back on win influence, I want to dive into how those of you who do podcast or want to, can make money literally from every episode of your show and more Christopher Hines is our guest stay tuned.

Back on influence with Christopher Hines. He is the coach, Chris on the social networks, host of para super useful podcasts, the personal branding playbook and the business of podcasting, both of which are shows on the marketing podcast network. Okay, Chris, so as we recorded this, the most recent episode of the business of podcasting was entitled.

How much money can podcasters make? I love the way that you flipped that question a bit because of how vague it is. So. You reposition it a bit to how to make each episode profitable, which is slightly different. And I love the way you kind of dig into ways. Podcasters can monetize every episode of the show.

So take us through, spell those out for us. How can a podcaster monetize literally every episode of their show?

[00:17:10] Christopher: All right. I love

this question, man. Cuz everybody thinks you can only get sponsored. That’s like the most popular one, but that’s the hardest. Obviously you can sell your own products. You can be an affiliate, but there are some other things you can do.

You can do product mentions. Where for me, I’m doing this right now with my new book, the business of podcasting, where I’m paying podcasters to mention my book on their show, a certain amount of times, super simple. I want them to get the book. Read it and then mention it on the show. Three times is a minimum, and then I pay them for that.

Right. If you’re a podcast and you make no money from your show, I’m pretty sure you’d take 20 to 30 bucks to talk about a book, right? Like it’s kind of a no brainer. And there are so many coaches and authors out there that would love that. Now, are you gonna go and get a massive deal with some big corporation like that?

Probably not, but this is for the podcasters that don’t have 500 listeners in episode, if you’re still under a thousand down, This is where you start. You can also create segments on your show and have sponsors sponsor those segments. And by sponsors, I mean, Instagram boutiques, those Shopify stores, the products you see promoted on TikTok.

They’re running ads. They’re putting money into marketing already. They’re probably gonna market on podcasts at some point. Why not be with your show? Right. I think we have to think outside of the box as podcasters, because I mentioned YouTubers earlier, they have a sense of entitlement when it comes to making money because of Google absence as they should.

And as podcasters, we can have that same entitlement, but it comes with creativity. So I think on every episode you should have a product you’re promoting as an affiliate. And with that one, just find tools that your audience use. For me, I hope to show up all podcasting. I can talk about microphones, cameras, all kinds of software.

I’ll never run outta stuff to talk about. I’m actually working with get response right now, email marketing platform. There’s so many options. So understand as a podcaster, you’re a downloads. Don’t matter. You can make every single episode profitable.

[00:19:01] Jason: And I would say this like one example that a gentleman that we actually talked to on this show recently, Gary aren’t from everything everywhere, which is a massive podcast.

Now, one of the things that I really like that he did early on was he used an affiliate program with audible, for audiobooks, because he’s got a podcast audience. These are people who listen to audio. and his show has a different topic every day. Well, he can, every day literally go find an audible book that aligns with that subject matter.

So his advertising, even though it’s an affiliate thing, his advertising lines up with the topic of the show, super smart to make sure that message is relevant because the more relevant that affiliate ad is the more conversions you’re gonna make. And for those of you who don’t really realize you can go to audible and some Amazon, some of these other places sign up as an affiliate.

You can use a code or a link or whatnot on your website to send people to your page, to get credit for that sale. And then, you know, for every 10 bucks, maybe you get 50 cents or maybe you get a dollar, whatever, but you’re still making money from your podcast. Even though you don’t have a whole lot of downloads, you hit that one person that that ad is relevant for.

And then all of a sudden you’re, you’re profiting from what you’re doing.

[00:20:14] Christopher: So, yeah. And that’s how it starts. That’s exactly how it starts when you’re an affiliate. One thing I always suggest too, is try to build a relationship with somebody in that company, because some of those companies that have affiliate programs are paying content creators as well.

So you never know they could be a sponsor for you down the road. That’s true.

[00:20:30] Jason: That’s very true. You know, one thing Chris, I’m struggling with for the marketing podcast network, talk a little shop here, but I think people will appreciate the conversation is that programmatic advertising is where the sponsor sends us a pre-produced commercial.

I can plug that into the system and it just airs on all the different shows on the network when I tell it to, but the end show host read ads, like the ones that I did in this episode for Zencaster and base camp. For those of you listening, remember that from a few minutes? Those are more valuable because a, the host is sharing the message personally, hopefully making it very authentic to them.

But B they’re also baked into the fabric of the show. You can even make ’em seem like part of an organic conversation. So they’re not a jarring difference from the rest of the show. So those are more valuable and you can charge more for them. But I struggled with how much is too much. I’ve got two in this month’s runs of shows for win influence, but Chris, you’re one of the podcasters on the marketing podcast network.

I send stuff for you guys to record and I drop that in dynamically, but where’s the limit. How many inhow host read ads are too many? Well, that’s

[00:21:35] Christopher: such a good question. I think that’s something that podcasters struggle with all the time. And my rule of thumb is. One for every 15 to 20 minutes of your show.

Right? Right. So I think if you have a show that’s like 40 minutes having two in there, isn’t bad three at the most. But if you have four in a 40 minute show, that means every 10 minutes, your audience hears an ad. And for most listeners, they’re gonna be kind of turned off by that, you know? And I don’t think that many podcasters, I think the liveries you’re talking about, I think that’s a skill.

For me personally, I practice it. And if I wanna put it in the show, I’m gonna practice the script. I’m going to even practice my examples. I’m put into it because it sounds more natural and it flows better with the content. So I do think they’re more valuable. I agree with you there, but I think every 15 to 20 minutes is good to have one.

I would say if your show goes past five, you gotta have one of those, like two hour shows that’s on YouTube. Cuz then people don’t notice if they’re watching on YouTube in his video, I think you you’ve won there. And I also think. In the future. This is kind of one of my predictions that I have in podcasting.

I think this is a way podcast is gonna be even more profit. YouTube is putting a lot of effort into taking podcasting more seriously. We’re gonna come to a point where you can have audio sponsors and video sponsors, where you can then take the video of your podcast and cut out the ads that you previously inserted that were audio, and then have a whole new set for video.

So now you can have. Four ads and another four. So now you have eight ads on one show because it’s audio and visual. I think that’s where we’re going. I think I can see that in the next like year or two,

[00:23:07] Jason: or you can charge more for the audio sponsor to also have a video ad in the show. Right. And here’s what, here’s what I’m telling all of you potential podcasters out there reading between the lines of what Chris said.

Learn how to edit video. You gotta add the video, cuz that’s gonna be a big deal. All the social networks are prioritizing video right now, whether or not podcasting continues to explode the way it has video will. So we’re gonna have to become more proficient at that for sure. And just for the record on the advertising folks on the marketing podcast network, we have a really nice blend.

I think of both ideas. The advertisers will give us a script and then I have people like Chris read it for their, in their voice, with their personal flavor added in. And then I take that recording that goes into rotation into the kind of programmed media. Which is dynamically dropped into each episode.

I think it’s a happy medium. Most of us seem pretty comfortable with. So if you ever want to advertise in the marketing podcast network and have your message heard on 30 plus shows and have the hosts actually delivering that message, we can do that. So gimme a, a shout on that. All right. Let’s move beyond the advertising mechanisms, Chris, your podcast.

Positions you as a thought leader as well, that can lead to consulting clients that can lead to speaking engagements that can lead to other opportunities to earn money because of your expertise. I would expect that you use your shows to attract clients, customers for your books and courses and so on and so forth.

So it’s not just about the advertising to monetize these things. Oh, not at all.

[00:24:37] Christopher: I think product sales is where I’ve made the most money by far having different coaching programs, different courses. I think once you make a decision that you’re gonna launch a podcast and you have a business, you kind of wanna have a list of certain products.

And I think that’s number one as a book, even if it’s just a hundred pages, have some sort of book, because it’s just one of the easiest things to promote. You can mention in my book, I said this in my book, I said that, and people will go and buy that book. If it’s just 20 bucks, they’re gonna go and buy it.

If it’s $10 to down. That’s gonna bring in some nice revenue from you. Just mentioning it. Then I think you should have a masterclass. And I say a masterclass because it’s shorter. Number one, it’s not, as long as a course, your audience is gonna get the result. They came for a lot faster. Like my clients that will get the first 1000 subscriber masterclass within a week, they have the outcome they want.

Right. They don’t have to wait two months, like a course, cuz it’s not as. number three, you charge a lower price. Now I’m not saying you can’t have higher ticket products, but if you have that $50 product, you’d be able to get a lot of customers like that. And those are the same people that are gonna buy the full course.

Mm-hmm . So, for example, if you’re gonna set up a product list, a product roadmap for your podcast as a business owner, you got the book. That’s the first step. The master class is a second step. That should be kind of a step one, a right. And then your course answers the rest of their questions. So if I had a course to launch your podcast, right, the master class would be on a whole checklist on what equipment you need, how much it’s gonna cost, what software you should be using, all of that stuff.

Then if you buy the full course, you get all the other stuff about how you can launch your show and make money from day. How you can create a marketing plan. All of that stuff will be in the course. So it’s a specific product kind of cadence. You should have to where you can again, make every episode profitable.

It just become

[00:26:25] Jason: super easy. That’s true. And I’m, I’m taking notes here, folks, cuz Chris and others have inspired me. I need, I, I know that I need a masterclass on influencer marketing. I need a course on the influencer marketing. I get some product things that I can do here. So I’m gonna be, I’m gonna be putting all this advice to good use here in the coming months, which will be.

All right. So let’s say there’s someone out there listening who wants to start a podcast, a creator who wants to kinda Wade into these waters, or they have one and wanna figure out how to make it better. What do you recommend they do? Where can they go and find your advice on the Innerwebs

[00:26:57] Christopher: Instagram or Twitter at Chris podcasting?

Check out the new website, And that’s where I’m adding all my episodes. You’re maybe to find literally everything. I’m not one of the people that hides anything. I put it all out there. You know, I, I love the feedback and the conversation. If you want me to check out your show, please send it to me.

I listen to like five to seven, sometimes even 10 new podcasts a day. I’m always listening to new shows, giving them reviews. I do podcasts artists all the time. So again, just send me a show at Chris podcasting, Instagram or Twitter, and get the book, the business of podcasting. I promise you. This is the one book that actually talks about how you can make money from your show.

Believe me, I’ve read all the other ones. They don’t get into profitability as much as this one does. I promise you, I’m not saying that. Cause I wrote it. I’m just telling you this is factually true.

[00:27:43] Jason: Well, the book and the podcast, the business of podcasting are. Are worth your time. So Christopher Hines, the coach, Chris, find him on those places.

He mentioned. You can also get quick links to subscribe to either the personal branding playbook or the business of podcasting at Go subscribe. It’ll be worth your listening time each week, Chris man, thanks for hanging out. Appreciate what you do, brother, man.

[00:28:05] Christopher: Thank you for having me.

[00:28:11] Jason: Love, love, love the wisdom Chris shares. Definitely go connect with him, such a smart. Microphone is the website. He’s also Chris podcasting on Twitter and Instagram. He’s also the coach, Chris. So he is not hard to find. You can find him everywhere. Christopher Hines, just search you’ll find him marketing is an easy place to get to his shows as well as 30 plus other great shows on the marketing podcast network.

Real quick folks. The fall is fast approaching and that means conference season for the first time in a while, I’m gonna be back out on the road. Speaking about influence marketing at a few events. I’ll share more about each of them in the upcoming episodes, but I want you to mark your calendar so you can plan to join me.

Won’t you. The two most relevant to report to you right now are content marketing world and a new event called influencers and creators experience. A content marketing world is September 13th through the 16th in Cleveland, Ohio. I’ve spoken there before, but not for a few years. So I’m really excited to get back.

You can go to content marketing, And if you use the code falls 100. It’s F a L L S 1 0 0. You’ll get a hundred dollars off the ticket price to join me in Cleveland, September 13th, through the 16th at content marketing, world.

And. Not as relevant for obvious reasons here in a minute, but I’m also speaking September 7th through the 11th at the society of American travel writers event in Bogota, Columbia. How about that? It’ll be my first trip to south America and continent. Number four as a speaker. I’m excited for that as well.

Yeah. I keep stats. I’m sorry. It’s the vein kind of thing to do, but I do. If you are an S a T w member or in the travel sector and want to be come to Columbia with me, that’ll be. You can always check the for more information about the events I’m speaking at. I normally include a call to action in the show notes, posts, and other articles there.

In the meantime, help me spread the good word about the show. Folks, tell someone who might wanna know more about influence marketing about this pod, send ’em to influence or share a link to this episode on your social network of choice. If you have a moment drop, win, influence rating, or review on your favorite podcast app, we are on all of.

You can also help make a future episode of influence. Awesome. Ask your question about influence or influence marketing that you want my answer to, or take on. Send an email to If you’re feeling adventurous, record a voice memo on your phone and email me that file. I’ll let you ask the question right here on the show using that recording.

Influence is a production of falls of partners. The show is produced by podcasting three and airs along the marketing podcast network

win influence. The influence marketing podcast is an audio companion to my book, win influence, reframing, influence, or marketing to ignite your brand. Get your copy while you’re there. Sign up for the latest ideas about influence marketing delivered in my periodic newsletter.

Or book me to speak to your company or organization about influence marketing. And if you need help with your influence marketing strategy, drop me in line at If you were someone, you know, is an influencer, a brand manager that uses influence marketing, or one of the many amazing people working in the influence marketing services world.

And they would make a good guest for the show. Email me at Our theme music is one more look by the K club and Grammy award-winning producer Jaquire King. Thanks for listening. And remember when it’s not about the person, but about results. It’s influence.

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