Ready To Winfluence?
Now you’re ready to put Winfluence into action. If you are prioritizing your influencers, fill out the form below and select the Winfluence Priority Scorecard from the Select Scorecard Drop-Down. If you’re ready to measure the outcomes of your campaign, select the Winfluence Success Scorecard in the same Drop-Down.
After you submit the form, you’ll be taken to a blank version of the scorecard you can fill out right here on the site. Once you’re done, you’ll be able to download of printable PDF of your scorecard. And don’t worry! If you ever need it again, you’ll get a link to re-download it.
Before you click the button to get started, be sure to subscribe to my monthly newsletter. The newsletter will include some useful ideas on how to use your scorecards in the future. You can also check the follow up request and I’ll reach out via email in a day or two to see what questions you might have or see if I can be helpful for you in the use of your scorecards!
Okay? Ready to Winfluence? Go!