Online reviews are mega important to businesses and brands in today’s search-first, social-second digital marketing world. What happens when you have a fake one? A bad one? We talk about that, word-of-mouth marketing (including why I’m mad at Jay Baer), an interesting lifestyle marketing idea and NDOW — The National Day on Writing (Oct. 20) today on Go Ahead Caller. Dial it up. Comment. Share with a friend. Choo know!

Remember to join me each Tuesday morning between 8 a.m. and 8:15 a.m. ET for a Facebook Live broadcast of Go Ahead Caller. Send your questions, topics, jokes, stories and ideas to me in the comments here, via the social networks (I’m @JasonFalls most places) or via email at jason – at – And share the show with your friends. I promise not to sweat on them.

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