Understanding how your consumers think — neuroscience — is a fundamental key to avoiding assumptions and making strong, data-driven marketing decisions. Which is why I love Roger Dooley and the content he shares with all of us regularly. The author of Brainfluence joined me on Go Ahead Caller to talk about neuromarketing — the craft of applying neuroscience, or how the brain works, to business and marketing.

Dial it up and when you’re done, share it with you friends! It’s useful!

Roger can be found online at RogerDooley.com where his Brainfluence podcasting can be found. The Neuroscience blog is at neurosciencemarketing.com.

Would you like me to interview someone that would help your business? Drop your suggestions in the comments or send them to me on the social networks (I’m @JasonFalls almost everywhere) or via email at jason – at – jasonfalls.com.

Join me each Tuesday morning between 8 a.m. and 8:15 a.m. ET for a Facebook Live broadcast of Go Ahead Caller. And share the show with your friends. Your brain is begging you to do so.

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