Did you know that the person who voiced the original How the Grinch Stole Christmas was also the Frankenstein monster from the movies? Okay, but did you know the singer of the Grinch song was also Tony the Tiger? We had a fun discussion about voice over artists and voice over trivia today on Go Ahead Caller. Then we jumped into some good perspective on small business websites.

Jump on in and give the show a watch or a listen, then share it with your friends!

Note: We will not air a show for the next two weeks as those Tuesdays are Christmas Day and New Year’s Day. See you on January 8, 2019!

Remember to join me each Tuesday morning between 8 a.m. and 8:15 a.m. ET for a Facebook Live broadcast of Go Ahead Caller. Send your questions, topics, jokes, stories and ideas to me in the comments here, via the social networks (I’m @JasonFalls most places) or via email at jason – at – jasonfalls.com. And share the show with your friends. Or may the Grinch steal your Christmas. Heh.

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