I threw out one of my Winfluence tips a few weeks back. For those who aren’t aware, I’ll record little one-minute tips and ideas from time to time and post them as Instagram Reels or YouTube Shorts … sometimes on LinkedIn, too.
The one I’m referring to was inspired by a friend who asked how one would uncover the influencers online who really have true influence. Not just followers or decent engagement rates. But the ones who can post something that drives people to actually do something or think differently about something.
The answer to that question isn’t what most people want to hear. You have to roll up your sleeves and really do some digging. You have to triangulate social networks and content platforms and see who’s being quoted in the media, interviewed on podcasts, speaking at conferences.
But in my Winfluence Tip, I shared one idea that always pays dividends for me. When I’m looking for a thought leader or subject matter expert in a given vertical, I go fishing for the people who run Groups.
There’s no influencer marketing software that indexes admins for LinkedIn or Facebook Groups. You simply have to go find the groups that are active and engaged, look up the admin, research them. Sometimes have to join the group and participate for a while before you get anywhere.
The Group Leaders are gate keepers for information for that audience. People join most groups because someone is helping filter out the spam and nonsense so the content is more trustworthy and qualified for their viewing pleasure.
Kevin Marcus Miller is a lot of things. And one of them is a Facebook Group admin. He is the host of the Marketing Agency Owners Group, which as of this writing has 53,000 members. And it’s growing by hundreds of new users every week.
I’m a member and was so impressed with what and how Kevin was managing everything there, I thought I’d have him on to chat about running a group, what goes into it, what brands should and should not do to be involved with one, and share ideas on how you can perhaps build one of your own to solidify your influence.
We’ll also dig into those other hats I told you about. Kevin’s new podcast, Agency Talk, is one of the newest shows on the Marketing Podcast Network. It was a spin-off of the Facebook Group actually. He’s a noted musician and songwriter. And a survivor 12 times over, of sudden cardiac arrest.
This episode of Winfluence is presented by CIPIO.ai, the community commerce marketing platform. Download its free eBook The Marketer’s Guide to Community Commerce Marketing today and learn how to turn your customers, fans and followers into top-performing influencers to grow your brand. The guide is a blueprint to identifying the influential voices in your own brand community, engaging them to advocate on your behalf, and managing an end-to-end strategy to do so. Download the guide for free here, or just click on the banner below.

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The Winfluence theme music is “One More Look” featuring Jacquire King and Stephan Sharp by The K Club found on Facebook Sound Collection.
Kevin Marcus Miller Transcript
Do you want Instagrammers or TikToker to post about your brand or do you actually want to engage creators who influence their audience to buy your product? If you’re in the ladder of those two, you’ve come to the right place. Welcome to win. Influence the influence marketing podcast. Hello again, friends. Thanks for tuning in to influence the influence marketing podcast.
I threw out one LinkedIn of my influence tips a few weeks back for those who aren’t aware. I record a little one minute tips and ideas from time to time and post them as Instagram reels or youtube shorts sometimes on LinkedIn too. The one I’m referring to was inspired by a friend who asked how one would uncover the influencers online who really have true influence, not just followers or decent engagement rates, but the ones who can post something that drive people to actually do something or think differently about a topic or a product or a brand or a company. The answer to that question isn’t what most people want to hear. You have to roll up your sleeves and actually do some digging.
You have to triangulate social networks and content platforms and see who’s being quoted in the media, interviewed on podcasts, speaking at conferences. But in my influence tip, I shared one idea that always pays dividends for me. When I’m looking for a thought leader or a subject matter expert in a given vertical, I go fishing for the people who run groups. There’s no influencer marketing software that indexes admins for LinkedIn or Facebook groups. You simply have to go find the groups that are active and engaged, look up the admin research them. Sometimes you have to join the group and participate for a while before you get anywhere.
The group leaders are gatekeepers for information for that audience. People join most groups because someone is helping filter out the spam and nonsense. So the content is more trustworthy and qualified for their viewing pleasure.
Kevin Marcus Miller is a lot of things and one of them is a Facebook group, admin and owner. He is the host of the marketing agency owners group on Facebook, which as of this podcast has 52,000 members and it’s growing by hundreds of new users every week. I’m a member and was so impressed with what and how Kevin was managing everything there. I thought I’d have him on to chat about running a group, what goes into it, what brands should and should not do to be involved with one and share ideas on how you can perhaps build one of your own to solidify your influence.
We’re also gonna dig into those other hats. I told you about Kevin’s new podcast. Agency. Talk is one of the newest shows on the Marketing podcast network. It was a spinoff of the Facebook group. Actually, he’s also a noted musician and songwriter and a survivor.
12 times over of sudden cardiac arrest, we’re gonna weave our way through the many facets of Kevin Marcus Miller. Today on influence. This episode of influence is presented by CPI O dot A I where you can create a consistent flow of authentic user generated content to fuel paid, earned, shared and owned campaigns that set your content marketing on fire.
One of the main methods of doing that is by shifting your influencer marketing focus to a community influence marketing. One that’s where you discover the influential voices in your own community of customers, fans and followers and partner with them to create authentic content that recommends your brand. We’ve published a brand new e-book called the Marketers Guide to Community Influence marketing. It’s a step by step manual that shows you how to do it. The result is a more cost efficient way to engage creators and drive word of mouth marketing while capturing better performing content for your paid and owned social media efforts.
Download the free guide by visiting, get C O dot A I slash guide for those of you watching on the stream. I’ll throw up a handy QR code you can scan to get there, leave that up for a couple of seconds. Uh Folks, this isn’t just a two or three page quick guide. It’s a fairly hefty ebook written by yours. Truly. That’s me detailing how you can leverage community, influence marketing to drive growth in your brand. Get CPI O dot A I slash guide, download the free ebook and start engaging your community today building or finding those who have built true influence.
Kevin Marcus Miller talks, Facebook groups and more next of influence. Kevin. I gotta tell you when I first discovered the marketing agency owner’s Facebook group, I was kind of blown away at how big it was. I checked yesterday. Uh and you’re creeping up on 52 or 53,000 members by the time this airs you’ll probably have 60 or 75. I wouldn’t have said there were 52 2000 people on Facebook who uh who are interested in or are marketing agency owners and I know many members aren’t, but maybe you’re aspiring to be or, or work with agency owners. But I guess my first question for you is how in the heck do you have so many people in there? Honestly? Did. I hate to put it like this, bro, but it really did happen by accident.
I know that sounds absolutely ridiculous. I wish I had a, a methodology because I promise you I would package that and sell it. But literally, man, I literally, you know, I remember there was this one dude on Facebook, he had a group of 80,000 people and he called his group, I think it was like entrepreneurs or something like that. And it was just the name of the niche, you know, and he said, try that, Kevin just call it marketing agency owners. And that’s what happened and it just starts growing and we didn’t do any marketing. It just kept getting picked up by the algorithm and has not stopped. And so my team and I we’ve been trying to calculate, well, how can we do this again? And that goes back to a foundational, you know, internet marketing principle. If you’ve got the right name from a search standpoint, it kind of works, right?
That’s the insight we can take out of this is make sure you got a damn good name. If you’re gonna do one of these things, let’s try to put a finer point on it though. Tell us the the deeper origin story of the group. Why did you start it? What was it supposed to do? Who was it supposed to serve? And then, you know, how did you go about getting people interested in being in the group or did you just sit and watch it grow? Yeah. So I literally sat and watched it grow. The thing that I think would be helpful for listeners though is I built a, a massive personal brand before this, right? So that’s important for a couple of reasons. One when you have a group like that and you put at the bottom group by, right? And that name, if that name does not carry any weight in your industry, guess what?
You just wasted a lot of time because no one’s gonna, you know, when you start posting in the group, they’re gonna be like, I don’t know this person, I don’t care why should I be here. But if it’s somebody like a Dan Henry Russell Bronson, people care in our space, they’re like, this is a group by someone that’s important. So then I started interviewing people that are big like that to remind people that I am at their level. I may not have the revenue that they have, but I am just as credible as them. And the only reason they don’t see me that way is because I didn’t portray it that way yet because social media is not reality. It’s perception. So they just haven’t yet perceived that I’m equal to those people that they’re idolizing air quotes.
Well, I mean, I think when you’re sitting on top of a community that size, I mean, there’s certainly a, a degree of credibility that comes with just the fact that you’ve been able to build that. But let’s go back to your, your, your first point there. You had built a strong personal brand ahead of time. But as I recall, if I’m not mistaken, you’re more of the LinkedIn guy not the Facebook guy. So tell us about that journey, correct?
Oh, you got good pivots, brother. So, you know, the, the the reality of the situation is I would say my skill set is I know how to pivot and make it look intentional. OK. And most people, they don’t do that because what they want is for people to love them the first time they put an idea out. So where I’m at now is probably iteration nine. So web design va service, graphic design service, I tried a podcast and that failed in the past. Ok. Facebook outreach. I tried that. What else have I tried?
I’ve tried it all, brother, some of them had, you know, good M M R, you know, monthly recurring revenue and, but the way I’ll look at it is, you know, how people always say they’re all lessons. There’s no such thing as failures. I just don’t believe that. And the reason I can say that honestly is because during all those times, there was one thing that was kind of looming in the background on all of these things, which was I have a heart condition. And so that was, it never felt like a lesson. It always felt cool. Right. And so when, when you’re surviving through something that serious, like I have a lot of friends that have a heart condition or cancer and things like that. And so I’m a 12 time. So cardiac arrest survivor and that never felt like a lesson. It always felt cool. Right? And so when I understood it that way, then I get to do and choose how intentional that rebound is and what the, what the comeback looks like. So I would consider all of my reinventions of myself from when I first started as a 15 year old songwriter, making songs for TV shows and all these things to where I’m at now owning a podcast, working with you and things like that.
All of those iterations are me choosing how I want my comeback story to look to the public. Interesting. It’s a really interesting and, and inspiring way of looking at it because I think it’s easy for people to, you know, try a bunch of different things. And if they don’t see immediate success, they consider that a failure. But then this, you know, entrepreneurial community has programmed us now to think that it’s not a failure.
It’s just a lesson learned, but you literally are looking at OK, I did this and it was great. You’re, you’re taking all the positive out of it and kind of leaving the negative behind. Is that a good way of putting it? That’s exactly correct because because until you’ve actually been in a situation where you have perspective at a level where you can go, all of this stuff is not real. Marketing is magic. And the best magicians win until you’ve gotten to that place in your life.
You’re, you’re putting too much of your inertia, your energy, your thought, your concern into what you’re doing. Interesting at this point. My brother, I’m just having fun. If it fails tomorrow, guess what, I’m gonna have another thing. Pop in the next week. There you go. You, matter of fact, I did that this week.
I said, you know, hey, I, I, buddy of mine said we got, we figured out LinkedIn engagement, artificial Intelligence. I said, great. Let’s run with it. I’m just having fun at this point. You know. That’s good. Well, you also too though, I would think, I mean, you have a ton of energy and in, in order to, you have to, in order to keep up with what you’re doing. Uh because you got a ton of irons in the fire, how do you stay organized with all the stuff you’re doing?
Actually, I don’t have a ton of irons in the fire. That’s the perception. So you, you always want to look like you’re doing more than you really are. So like today, for example, I spent maybe an hour and a half doing actual work and then I sat in the sun for an hour, then I have the pest control person coming right now. So it ne so I always look like because of the way I post on the internet, it gives people the perception that I’m extremely busy. And that was a difficult thing for me to master was to be able to put out the perception I want, which is all he’s got all these things going on, busy entrepreneur or whatever.
And, and really at the end of the day when I’m, when I’m focusing on, honestly, Jason is preserving my health because my number one priority right now is to make it to my 30th birthday. That is the only thing that matters to me right now. I’m 29. I want to make it to my 30th birthday. I wanna walk across at my wedding this year uh without having a cardiac arrest. And that’s the only thing that’s important to me and everything else outside of that is just me playing around uh free time. It’s not a priority to me. So I was gonna ask more about uh you know, the, the Facebook group and other things. But since we’re walking down that path, I’ll, I’ll flip the narrative here that I had mapped out for the conversation. So you are, are a 12 time survivor of a sudden cardiac arrest.
I believe, I don’t think I’ve actually heard the full story. So when it first happened and, and give, give us that journey. So we understand what you’ve been through, man. So every time I, I, I will apologize in advance because every time I do share the story, I get a little bit, you know, because it takes you back and I do have a lot of ptsd. So I do apologize. You know, I do pause at any point, but I’ll, I’ll do my best.
So, 2019, I was working at Microsoft at the time I was an independent contractor. I was very excited because I was a security guard actually in a Microsoft building. And then I finally got an opportunity to move into marketing because I, my degree was in communications and I couldn’t get a job anywhere. So I was a security guard and then I was applying to jobs in the loading dock while I was working, got a job at a start, you know, a tech startup. And then I moved from the tech startup to Microsoft. So that’s where we’re at now in 2019. So very excited. Right? Don’t know a whole lot yet, but I’m just eager. So a little stressed out at work. So I decided it’s time to go play some basketball.
That’s always been my safe haven. So I’m playing basketball in this adult rec league right across from where the Mariners play actually in Seattle. And this whole day, unfortunately, Jason, I don’t have memory firsthand memory of the day, but I have a lot of people that have told me the story. So I’m able to tell it from their, their vantage point. So the story that’s been told to me since I don’t remember it is, I was playing basketball and I was coming up the court, the game had just started and I’m about three minutes in the game and I have the ball on my hand and I kneel on one knee and I yell out and very violently, I yell out and people said it, people say it looks like, uh, somebody was dying. So I, I just kind of like, like this. And in that moment the basketball coach’s name was Tim.
He had CPR training, so he started doing CPR Army and I wasn’t waking. So then they called 911. They also got the A E D machine. Uh but it, it still wasn’t looking good. They, they weren’t really sure. And so I, I’m in the transit, go to the hospital and they actually had to basically the way I’ll explain it, I’ll explain it kind of on a uh if you’ve ever watched Grey’s Anatomy, OK.
You might remember when sometimes people have to have their bodies uh frozen to preserve their brain. So their body has to get cooled down and then they have to warm them back up slowly. And that’s the only way to know if they’re gonna wake up or not. And so day three, I finally woke up. Day three. That’s crazy. That uh experience. Yeah. First thought I had brother when I, when I woke up, I looked on the TV screen in IC U and at the time there was a shooting in Texas, Jason. And uh I had thought that that’s what had happened to me Oh my gosh. Oh yeah. Well, uh thank God for the coach who knew CPR and the E M T s and everybody who got you where you are, you know, to, to be able to get better because that’s, I mean, that’s, you probably were on the cusp of not surviving and you’re here. So thank God for that. Right. Thank you. Yeah, man. It’s um sometimes people wanna assign a lot of meaning to it or their meaning of it or you got a second chance and the way I look at it honestly is everybody gets to assign their own meaning to what that experience means to them. Sure. So for me, the way I kind of like to look at it is where I was at in my, in my life, I was doing the, the standard playbook of life.
Get the, get the comfy 9 to 5. Don’t take any risks. But I always wanted to be like what we are now, which is taking risks being an entrepreneur. Nice. So that just gave me some good liquid carrot. That’s how I like to put it.
Gave, gave you permission to, to live the life you really wanted to live. Right. That’s great. Exactly. And it’s OK. That’s why I’m OK with failing and pivoting in those things because I have that perspective still.
Yeah, I’m still there, literally in my head. I’m still there. I was gonna say there’s not a lot of people that have the perspective of, well, it could be worse. It could be, you know, I’m sitting on a gurney, you know, on my last legs. Very few people have experienced that. So it’s definitely a different take on life after that. For sure. Goodness gracious. Definitely. And so it didn’t stop happening. You know what I mean?
That’s the, that’s the other part is a lot of people have had near death experiences but not a lot of people. And I’m the only one in the marketing space at this level anyway, where it’s happened 12 times. And the reason why it’s continued to happen is because there wasn’t a cause for it. There’s no genetic condition or anything like that. So they weren’t able to diagnose it properly. And, um, it wasn’t until 2022 where, you know, I elected because I was just so sick of having it happen so much. And I, I basically aggressively, I’ll be honest, aggressively and I was angry and I told my doctor, listen, I’m ok with dying, getting surgery. And I know it’s not that I need the surgery, but I, I prefer to take that rest and live the way I’m living right now.
Um, so we, we move forward with it and, um, the surgery essentially Jason they go in and they actually burn electrical signals and attempt to reroute them on your heart. So somebody is literally burning your heart. And then when I woke up Yeah, bro, when I woke up they, um, there was a complication. Hm. And, um, when I tell you, I, I have never even, even back in 2019 when I had the first one, I have never felt a pain like that. Ever. Not even close because it was like your, it was like your insides were on fire or something. And I was, I literally was kicking like it, it was like, like, and my wife was screaming and I was like, kicking and I just remember that moment and I, and that keeps me where I’m at today because someone could say anything, they could say.
I don’t like the group. There’s people in there I don’t like, um, I don’t like the way you talk. I don’t like the podcast. None of that even remotely matters to me. Not even a little bit.
Yeah, that’s, um, well, it’s a, it’s a refreshing perspective and reminder for us to think about. Um, I, I all, I mean, all I can really do at this point is thank you for sharing them. It’s amazing to hear stories like that because it does remind us and ground us on, you know, hey, going through life with blinders on it is really a kind of appropriate. My daughter just finished, uh, Thornton Wilder’s our town at school last week, which the whole point of that play is, you know, we’re going through life with blinders on. We don’t actually look at each other.
We don’t actually hear the birds, watch the sun rise, you know, feel what it’s like to really live until it’s too late. And you’re a walking example of someone who’s learned that lesson that, hey, you know, all this stuff you guys think is important is not really important. Let’s focus on, on living life. Right. Right. And most people, they have this explanation.
They say life is short. That’s how I know you don’t understand. So let me explain a little deeper on it. Most people say life is short. It’s actually just urgent to those who want it to be and choose for it to be. Because if you’re going around saying life is short, it means you still have, you don’t have the depth yet. You don’t have the full perspective. Um Those 30 seconds after that surgery felt like 100 years.
If everything was urgent, everything was urgent, me surviving was urgent. My wife’s feelings in that moment were urgent. So if I can just capture that feeling and operate in that level of excellence, I I kind of feel one of the things my, my, my wife says to me a lot that I love is Kevin. You’re the lieutenant. Don’t ever forget it, period. You’re the lieutenant. Nobody has ever been in a war as monumental as the one you’ve been in it.
I mean, a lot of people can’t honestly say that they they’re gonna go around and say things to make you feel good. But the truth is that the war that I’m battling and still battling is, you know, there’s only probably Jason, I wanna say 900 to 1000 people who have had it happen that many times and still are not in a, you know, in a vegetative state right now. Sure. I was concerned about the brain damage, you know, and, and sometimes I am concerned that maybe I, maybe the reason I don’t care is because I do have brain damage. I don’t know. Well, I don’t know. I, I just, I don’t, I don’t know that I would necessarily call if that is brain damage, which I don’t know that it is. But if it is, I don’t necessarily think I’d call it right? Because it’s given you a perspective on life that most people never get to. So I’ve got several more questions.
I do want to, you know, turn us back to the Facebook group and the podcast and all that good stuff. Definitely appreciate you sharing, uh, a very personal journey with us, uh, amazing and touching, but let’s, let’s take a breather for everyone. Catch a couple of breaths here for a second and we come back, I’ll continue, we’ll continue with Kevin. Don’t go away. Ok, Kevin. So, uh you’re sitting on this, uh Facebook group of, you know, 50 60,000 people, obviously, when you have that kind of audience there, regardless of whether or not, you know how or where they came from?
You kind of almost have a responsibility I think to keep them engaged. Give us the rundown on your content strategy for the group. What, what are, what all are you creating? How are you managing it? How much of your time does it really take and, and does it take away from your other work or is it your primary work? Hm. Great question Jason. The first layer is I want to give a huge shout out to my friend Noah Shakespeare. Noah was one of our first moderators who joined the group and I like to think of him as kind of like a partner and that’s him and I together really build the vision as well as recruit volunteer moderators to keep the group in check, right? And what I mean by that is obviously people are going to infiltrate the group that shouldn’t be there. And that’s part of being successful, name one platform that doesn’t have that Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, they all have people that should not be there that are making the platform uh not as useful to the people that should be getting value. So I understood that that that comes with the territory. So I take that approach first. So once I can accept that and understand that oh, not all 50,000 of these people have good intentions, some of them are trying to scam or spam or whatever, then then I can just one show myself some grace and, and two invite other people to be in that space of grace.
When people, you know, have a uh very high expectation of other people in their life, it means that they’re unhappy with their own expectations of their life. So when a group member has a concern about a fake community, that’s in other words, when a group member has a concern that’s not very valid about something outside of their life and it’s bothering them to the point where they’re commenting hundreds of times or whatever, they, that’s something else they got going on in their life. So I always remind myself that and always take the critical feedback that’s constructive and then we implement on that. So that’s why I love having what’s called the agency council. So we have serious, you know, 67 figure business owners, agency owners who are seasoned like yourself who give real input on the group. And those are the people I trust and go to, to consult me.
Hey, Kevin, I’m noticing this trend in the group. We should really do this. Great. Let’s talk about it instead of making it like a free for all for every and anybody that joins. That’s, that’s um that’s a recipe for disaster and sure. Sure. So when you, when you started the group, um I would imagine at some point whether it’s with this agency council that you’ve got or, you know, you and your fellow moderators, what kind of thinking went into the rules and how much do you have to babysit to make sure people are minding their Ps and Qs.
I would say the number one thing we see in the group is really just marketers trying to market and you can’t be mad at it because I get it. I got products and things that I’m marketing in the group too. But guess what? I earned the right to do that because I paid the price to be able to do that by building this for everybody. Right? So you gotta remember like there’s, you gotta pay to play y’all. So if you want to promote in the group, that’s great. But you gotta pay no other community is any different.
If you wanna advertise on Facebook, you gotta pay Facebook ads, it’s no different. So people, I don’t know why but they just don’t remember that these systems, they already exist. Facebook ads, Twitter ads, TikTok ads. You’re paying someone for advertising and you’re not gonna call TikTok or Facebook and go, hey, guess what those leads that came through? They didn’t work. What’s going on Facebook? No. Yeah, that’s ridiculous. Right. Jason, you’re not gonna call them. And so that’s, that’s the approach I take with the group is for people who want to advertise, right?
It’s an advertising platform no different than getting a billboard or, you know, Facebook ads or whatever and where people go wrong, Jason in communities like this is they think of it like a lead generation platform, not an advertising platform and that’s critical. So if you’re listening and you’re considering building a Facebook group or any kind of community, be clear on the opportunity that you’re presenting to people. Hey, we have people paying a grand or whatever it is five grand or whatever your package is for advertising, not lead generation, right? So riddle me this because when I think of a Facebook group or a LinkedIn group or even a online community that’s, you know, some sort of guarded gated community. And there’s, you know, in, in, in most of those or in many of those, I won’t say most because I don’t know the math. But in, in many of those, um you have this, you know, no spam, no advertising, no anything. And there’s that series of groups that we’re all about community, we’re all about discussion and there’s not gonna be any sort of marketing that happens here.
You have a Facebook group that is a Facebook group of marketers. So you’ve, you’ve got an audience that’s predisposed to understand that world. Um And you, you are basically saying, hey, the marketers that come in here can certainly advertise and pay to play. Are they buying advertisements from Facebook or, and targeting your group or are they paying you to be able to create content that’s more marketing content within the group? And how does that work? Great question. So one of the things that I understood when I built this platform is who does it need to serve? And why the first person that needs to serve is the people that helped me build it. So Noah, how can I help pay and compensate Noah, fairly for all of these hundreds and hundreds and thousands of hours, he volunteered to help make this group great with me. I chose to put my time and effort and that’s great and I wasn’t compensated, but he, but he’s different, right? And so when I put that in perspective, I said, hey, the money should go to us not to Facebook. So if someone wants to advertise in our group, they’re paying us to advertise the audience that we’ve built no different than, for example, let’s say, you know, let’s say, um you wanna go ahead and do a newsletter ad, right? Or podcast sponsorship, right? You’re gonna be paying the marketing podcast network, right? For the opportunity to advertise your product to their audience that they built on Spotify on these other path, right? So it’s a, it’s a pronged approach where, you know, we’ve built these communities using, we’ve rented, yeah, that’s a good way to put it.
We’ve basically rented audiences on Spotify and all these other places, Facebook. But we’re the ones who aggregated the community and made it accessible in one go, right? And that’s the value of being able to put it into one advertising opportunity so that it’s clear and concise for the, for the advertiser. So when new people come into the group and I’m in the group and, and I’ve seen the content. So I, I think I know the answer but I want you to answer for everybody else. Where is the balance between allowing or, or per, you know, permitting advertising posts, people who have paid you for the right to say something, sell something, talk about something within the group and the organic communal piece of it. And how do you draw that balance? Because I would think even though it is a group of marketing agency owner types, I would think if every single post were some sort of ad, it would turn people off. So how do you draw that balance? Yep. And so this is where the council comes into play because sometimes I’m human too. So I’ll look at it and I’ll go, I don’t care. That’s just me being honest, right?
I don’t care, there’s, there’s posts here or there’s this happen because like I said, right, my priorities and my things in my life are somewhere else. The council might care more about the condition of the group and the community. And so it’s really important to have those people in your circle who are gonna always put that hat on. So they’re gonna say things like Kev, listen, we should, we should go ahead and not allow any promotions this week or hey, you know, this one person, they seem to be tricking the system a little too much. They’re pretending to give value and then they’re d ming everyone secretly and we don’t know about it. So that, that’s where it’s important to have a team because, you know, honestly, just being transparent with y’all, like, like I said, if you were in my shoes right now and you wanted to make it to your 30th birthday and you were about to get married, that would be your number one priority. It just wouldn’t, it just wouldn’t even be it.
Honestly, Jason, it’s just not even in the top five priorities. It’s great. The community is awesome. I think it’s dope. I think uh the value is amazing, but I want to stay alive and that’s way more important.
So, so um I try not to stress myself out about that kind of stuff because it, it’s really out of my control and if the group gets shut down and Facebook, shuts it down or whatever, you know, I’m gonna still have the Kevin Miller brand and be able to do whatever it is that I want to do and pivot. So that’s very true real quickly. How does the group, if it does at all? How does it drive business to you? What’s your primary work? And how does the group factory into leading people to you?
Shout out to um our sponsors, some of our great sponsors for this month. We have high level um the C R M and they joined us as an official sponsor for 30 days. And really the, the strategy there is so many of the people actually already use high level. So how can we teach them about things that they might not even know about the platform and then also give them additional opportunities to talk basically indirectly to high level via the comments. So high level can go in there and go. Oh, that’s interesting. Somebody thought of this idea. Oh, somebody, ah so it’s like almost like a feedback forum for high level in a way, right? So that, that, that partnership I’m really excited about because I’ve been using high level even before they were a sponsor. And so that’s, that’s the primary method of business is, is sponsors. And what that means for people listening is people either educating or advertising their product or their information in your group. It doesn’t always have to be, hey, buy, you know, get high level, get a trial. That’s not always what it is, right?
For certain people, guys, you gotta understand like when you run a super Bowl commercial, for example, I’m pretty sure that they understand like, oh, we just pay $5 million for this opportunity to advertise and bring in more awareness. Not, not necessarily, right? So it’s important to be clear with your sponsors, what the metric is and what success should look like and if you’re not on the same page, then that’s where the friction can happen. So that’s the main place.
The other thing we do, Jason as well is my, my product. So I have a LinkedIn course. And so we, we sell the LinkedIn course and then we have agency tools and things like that that we give people. That’s fantastic. Well, and, and I love the, I love the approach there because especially with a group, like a targeted group, like marketing, marketing agency owners, you can’t really get, go into that group with a buy my stuff.
Kind of message you almost have to go in with, let’s teach you something. Right. Yeah. Let, let’s educate you about this thing. Exactly. They’ll, they’ll, they’ll, they’ll hold you over the fire on that. So they hold you down, smart, smart approach for sure. All right. Let me, let me complete the circle and let’s, uh, go back to agency talk, your, your new podcast probably, uh, hosted by the marketing podcast network. It actually came out. It was, it’s kind of a spinoff of the Facebook group, isn’t it, isn’t it?
That’s what’s beautiful about it. Exactly. So I already had dropped, you know, probably 60 episodes in the Facebook group. Remember the whole concept of reinvention, right? Yep. I’m gonna win regardless y’all. So I just looked at the landscape and said any celebrity can drop a podcast.
Now, you know, you see all these celebrities dropping podcasts. And the reason those ones work is because they’re celebrities and they’re famous, they’re borrowing other famous guests every single time every episode is somebody famous. So my goal is to do that. Um But at my level and then make them, you know, I’m starting like you would say influencers first and then my goal is to have celebrities like Shaq, um people of that caliber in season two. That’s great. Well, I, I definitely am, am following along because uh I want to and I’m gonna learn from it, but also because I think it’s really interesting and I’m, I’m, I’m, I’m rooting for you to grow that thing and be super successful with it. So I’m sure people have been listening uh and uh that, that people have been listening and Googling and discovering you all over the place while we’ve been talking. But just in case give us a quick rundown of where people can find you in all these places on the interwebs. Absolutely. So for you don’t know, my full name is Kevin Marcus Miller. So if you type in Kevin Miller, I will not pop up.
Make sure you add the Marcus in there. I own a LinkedIn marketing agency all approach dot com. So we do B to B LinkedIn marketing and coaching and then we have the agency talk podcast and the group that are together. So you can find that at agency talk podcast dot com. Proudly presented by the marketing podcast network. That’s right. Glad to have you as a sister show on MP.
N. Also glad to have you in my network and as a friend as well. Thank you so much for sharing, not just wisdom but just a, a great inspiration and reminder for us today. Great having you on the show, Kev. Hey, appreciate you, Jason. Thank you. How about that? That guy has one hell of a story, one hell of a journey. And uh so grateful that he shared that with us today.
He also has way more energy than anyone should have, but very, very thankful for Kevin Marcus Miller. That is his name, Kevin Marcus Miller. He’s very easy to find. If you search for the full thing, Kevin Marcus Miller, we’ll make sure links to all the various things are in the show notes at Jason Falls dot co slash Kevin Marcus Miller or you can go to Jason Falls dot com, click on articles up top and find this episode of influence there. I put the show notes as articles on the site at Jason Falls dot com. So pretty easy to find. And while I know influence was easy for you to find, it’s not always easy for those who don’t know about it. So if you enjoy influence, help us grow and tell someone about the show, you probably know someone who might want to know more about influence marketing, send them to influence pod dot com or share a link to this episode on your social network of choice. If you have a moment, drop, influence a rating or review on your favorite podcast app, we’re on the mall. The show is now on video as well. Just look for Jason Falls influence on youtube to see the show as well as hear it, Win Fluid is a production of Falls and Partners and presented by CPO dot A I. The technical production is by MP N Studios. Win Influence. Airs along MP N the marketing podcast network. Thanks for listening, folks. Let’s talk again soon on Win Influence.