We’re going to do something a little different today. I’ve always been fascinated with the origin stories and journey to content creator or influencers of those that I meet along the way. I’ve met and interviewed dozens who sat out be social media famous and monetize their content. I’ve talked to many who fell into by accident.
But the constant thread in all those journeys is their stories are fascinating to me. A couple of weeks ago, I came across a local content creator, influencer and podcaster here in Louisville, honestly by happenstance. I knew who she was, of course. I like to keep my eye on who is creating content in my backyard. But she and I hadn’t had reason to make a more one-to-one connection. Until we did.
Rosa Hart runs LouReview.com. The cornerstone content there is the Lou Review Podcast. She has the obligatory social media channels, too. She mostly reviews restaurants around town, but also shares more broad experiences with events, attractions and the like.
My team at CIPIO.ai put her on a list of creators matched up with one of our clients. We reached out and were moving through the agreement and deliverables when Rosa decided she didn’t want to connect her channels to our platform. Just didn’t know who CIPIO was and whether or not connecting her social channels to a company like that was a good idea.
My team let me know and I reached to introduce myself more formally and reassure her that we use that connection just to make measurement easy for everyone, we’re a trusted partner and I’m literally a 10 minute drive up the road so you can come ring my neck if we ever do you wrong.
Rosa … invited me to her house. So I went. And probably heard several of the most interesting explanations of a content creator’s origin story, motivations and journeys I’ve ever heard. And, as a bonus, Rosa’s now three-year journey as a content creator has opened up a surprising and awesome new project that brings her day job and her passion together.
That project is Strong After Stroke, a new offering from Norton Healthcare in Louisville. Rosa’s day job is a stroke after care nurse for Norton’s Neuroscience Center. The new show launches the very day this episode dropped. You can find it on YouTube as well.
Here’s the first episode:
Today on Winfluence, I’m going to take you with me to meet Rosa Hart. This isn’t a virtual interview. We’re going to her house. We’ll meet her dog. Her daughter’s cartoons will play faintly in the background.
Today’s Winfluence is an audio journey. Come along for the ride.
This episode of Winfluence is presented by CIPIO.ai, the community commerce marketing platform. Download its free eBook The Marketer’s Guide to Community Commerce Marketing today and learn how to turn your customers, fans and followers into top-performing influencers to grow your brand. The guide is a blueprint to identifying the influential voices in your own brand community, engaging them to advocate on your behalf, and managing an end-to-end strategy to do so. Download the guide for free here, or just click on the banner below.

Scroll Down for a Show Transcript!
The Winfluence theme music is “One More Look” featuring Jacquire King and Stephan Sharp by The K Club found on Facebook Sound Collection.
Rosa Hart Transcript
Do you want Instagrammers or TikTok-ers to post about your brand or do you actually want to engage creators who influence their audience to buy your product? If you’re in the ladder of those two, you’ve come to the right place. Welcome to win. Influence the influence marketing podcast. Hello, again, friends. Thanks for tuning in to win influence the influence marketing podcast.
We’re going to do something a little different today. I’ve always been fascinated with the origin stories and journey to content creator or influencer of those I meet along the way I’ve met and interviewed dozens who set out to be social media, famous and monetize their content. I’ve also talked to many who fell into it by accident, but the constant thread in all those journeys is their stories are fascinating to me. A couple of weeks ago, I came across a local content creator, influencer and podcaster here in Louisville. Honestly, by happenstance, I knew who she was.
Of course, I like to keep my eye on who is creating content in my backyard, but she and I hadn’t had reason to make a more 1 to 1 connection until we did, Rosa Hart runs lou dot com. The cornerstone content there is the lo review podcast. She has the obligatory social media channels too. She mostly reviews restaurants around town but also shares more broad experiences with events attractions and the like my team at CPO dot A I put her on a list of creators matched up with one of our clients. We reached out and were moving through the agreement and deliverables.
When Rosa decided she didn’t want to connect her channels to our platform, just didn’t know who C O was and whether or not connecting her social channels to a company like that was a good idea. My team let me know and I reached out to introduce myself more formally and reassure her that we use that connection just to make measurement easy for everyone. We’re a trusted partner and I’m literally a 10 minute drive up the road so you can come ring my neck if we ever do you wrong, Rosa invited me to her house. So I went and probably heard several of the most interesting explanations of a content creators, origin story, motivations and journeys I’ve ever heard. And as a bonus Rose’s now three year journey as a content creator has opened up a surprising and awesome new project that brings her day job and her passion together today on influence.
I’m gonna take you with me to meet Rosa Hart. This isn’t a virtual interview. We’re going to her house, we meet her dog. Her daughter’s cartoons will play faintly in the background.
Today’s influence is an audio journey come along for the ride. This very special episode of influence is presented by CPI O dot A I where you can create a consistent flow of authentic user generated content to fuel paid, earned, shared and owned campaigns that set your content marketing on fire. One of the main methods of doing that is by shifting your influencer marketing to a community influence marketing. One that’s where you discover the influential voices in your own community of customers, fans and followers and partner with them to create authentic content that recommends and refers people to your brand. We’ve published a brand new E book called The Marketers Guide to community influence marketing.
It’s a step by step manual that shows you how to do it. The result is a more cost efficient way to engage creators and drive word of mouth marketing while capturing better performing content for your paid and owned social media efforts. Download the free guide by visiting Get CIPIO dot A I slash guide. That’s Get CIPIO, G E T C IP I O dot A I slash guide and folks, this isn’t just a two or three page quick guide. It’s a fairly hefty e-book written by me.
Yours truly detailing how you can leverage community influence marketing to drive growth in your brand. Get CPI O dot A I slash guide, download the free e-book and start engaging your community today. All right, kids hop in the car and buckle your seat belt. We’ll pay a visit to Rosa Hart’s house and learn about her path to influence and being a content creator. Next on influence, Rosa Hart lives about 15 minutes from my house.
So, doing a Zoom style interview, like I normally do seemed unnecessary. So I just went to see her I R L style. She and her husband live in a postcard neighborhood on the east side of Louisville with two kids, a son and a daughter and a very friendly golden doodle. Hi there, Rosa, how are you?
Nice to meet you. How are you? Hi, Gypsy. She just wants to know you. No worries. Happy. Hi, Gypsy. How are you, Rosa hosts the Lou Review podcast and posts supporting content on Instagram, TikTok and Facebook.
She’s got a simple website where you can find the episodes and other content as well. Her Instagram bio proudly announces an enthusiast, not a critic, sharing good eats and experiences in Louisville, Kentucky interviewing the people making Kentucky Anna. Great for those who don’t know. Kentuckiana is a broad term for the greater Louisville metropolitan area which encompasses several cities and a few counties in southern Indiana, Kentucky, Indiana Kentucky.
She showed me the basement room where she records episodes of her podcast. I was excited to show it to you. Yeah, this is where I’m usually record. I was gonna say it’s already, I can already tell it’s a great place to record because it’s downstairs. It’s quiet. So we call it the dungeon because we play Dungeons and Dragons. Oh, nice. You have ad D room? Yeah. Very cool. Oh, yeah. Yeah. You got a, a textured wall there too. That’s really, so, did you make it? So it would be, sound like somebody had a drone or I could have been a music room for somebody? Yeah. Awesome. The irony in visiting that room is that Rosa doesn’t record her podcast with fancy microphones. Like you see me using no mixer or road caster.
Get up, she recorded it on her iPhone, no mic, no headphones just talking into the phone as a tribute to her approach. I actually recorded the audio at her house on my iPhone two just to further underline the point that you don’t have to spend a ton of money on equipment or be all polished and fancy to create good content. So tell me the story about how you got started as you know, creating it. Did you start the podcast first? Did you start doing the social media content first? Well, we started the same day. So um my friend wanted to try out this new restaurant and he wanted to review it. And I was like, “Well, how are you gonna do that?
You can’t spell?” And, and he was like, “Well, I mean, let’s do a podcast!” And I said, “What’s a podcast?” Because he listened to podcasts all the time. And I literally had no idea what he was talking about. And, um, he was like, “Yeah, we could just record it on the phone and put it up there like a radio show.” And I was like, “I mean, I guess that makes sense as to how we could do that.” And we took pictures and, uh, the first place we went to was Pier 17 and um, it was July 4th of 2020 and restaurants were just opening back up, but with COVID precautions. So I felt like what I was going to bring to the table was um using my medical background to um assess the safety of the situation. And so I, uh, you know, would come in the place for what I was doing that made us feel safe to eat there and things like that. And so that’s how we got started. And I, I think we created the Instagram and Facebook page, if not the same day, then really, really close to it and posted those pictures pretty quickly and, um, just kept going from there. It was fun and the restaurant appreciated it. And we were like, ok, well, let’s keep doing this.
That’s Rosa mentioned her medical background there. She is a stroke aftercare nurse at Norton Health Care, one of the hospital and health care systems in Louisville. She spent eight years in the IC U before COVID and transitioned away from the heaviness of that assignment in the pandemic years. She counsels and cares for stroke survivors mostly from home and via telehealth connections. But Rosa if you can’t tell is quite the people person.
She was anxious to get out and socialize again. Like many of us were in the summer and fall of 2020 when things started to open back up again. She and her original partner did about a show a week for a year. She discovered she really enjoyed it. I kept meeting cool people that I wanted to interview on the podcast or that would ask us to interview them, which was different because we started out just us talking and having fun and whatever. Um But then as these business owners were telling me their stories and I was getting to know them and really like, I’m all about the people and the human connection. And so I was like, I love this.
I want to do this all the time and my partner on the podcast was tired of it and ready to sign off. And um and I was like, I want to do this every day and he was like, I’m done. As I said in the opening segment, the path to a creator’s success always fascinates me. Ross is certainly different and inspiring. She never got into this to build a big audience or even make money. It was just a reason to get out and have some human interaction, but in short order, it became bigger than that.
Tell me about the first time a restaurant reached out to you proactively and said, hey, we want to be on your podcast. Yeah. And, um, I think it was like the first week of October or the last of September. They’re like, hey, come on over, we’ll feed you for free and you can take pictures and talk about the place and we’ll give you a tour and let you know how you can use our space because you know, we’re talking about o’shea’s downtown because they weren’t getting a lot of traffic downtown in uh September and October of 2020. Uh not the kind of like sit down in the restaurant traffic and they have all this event space there. It’s really nice. Like they would have weddings there, like it’s huge, there’s like four stories. And um, so they invited us to come try it out and experience it. And um, so that was our first gig and we were like, oh my gosh, we’ve been noticed. How, how big were you at that time though? Because like, I mean, I realized obviously the stars were aligned, right?
That you were in a moment in time in the service industry where they desperately needed people to come. And so they would take probably no offense. They would take any blog or anybody who’s got any, any kind of audience will take them. But how big had you gotten in just three or four months at that point to have an audience. I don’t remember, maybe a couple 1000 might have just been a few 100 I’m not sure.
But, uh, the person who reached out actually was listening to our podcast. There you go. I think he may have found us through the podcast and then just also saw that we had an Instagram. I’m not really sure.
Well, and, and in that, in the sort of insular community of the restaurant service world within a given city, people know each other. And so people talk. And so I’m sure after the first two or three, everybody knew about your show, which is pretty cool. I mean, you just right time, right place, right. That’s pretty awesome. So, at what point did you think?
Holy crap, this is something like I’ve got something here. I can probably, I was like, what is this? Because I don’t follow a bunch of influencers on social media to have that kind of, I, I didn’t have an aspiration to be an influencer. In fact, you know, all I heard was like, negatives about it. So I was like, I don’t wanna have that kind of reputation, but at the same time, I was like, well, this is a way we could help out with these restaurants to show what they’re doing right. And what they have to offer, uh, when, and we would try to take really good pictures like we saw a lot of people sharing pictures of their food, but they weren’t necessarily appetizing. Right. And a lot of the restaurants couldn’t afford to go. And here I’ll pay you $500 to take one picture of my food, uh, that I’m cooking and they couldn’t afford that.
But, um, if they were gonna give us a free meal, then that would more than being fair to us at the time. So uh music to a brand’s ear, lower cost user generated content, I guess you can say the pandemic introduced restaurants to that option, which was I think an early indicator, the U G C trend was coming. I love this conversation because the, the let’s call him the influencer. I’ll call you uh the foodie, right? But the influencer, someone who starts doing this intentionally, um they immediately try to capitalize on it.
It’s a financial game for them. So it’s, I, I will come if you’ll give me a free meal and pay me $100 and then when they get a certain following, it’s $200 and then it’s $500. Whatever. Are you motivated by monetizing what you’re doing at all? Um My husband is, I would really like for it to pay for itself uh because I have not reached that point. Um So I would say, yeah, but it’s at the same time, I’m not going to lie about something. So if it, if I didn’t like it.
I’m not going to talk about it. So pretty much the worst review I would give is not mentioning it at all. And if I’m getting paid to talk about it, you know, then it’s like, well, then I need to have something good to say. So I should get you to come to my favorite um experience in the world because of who I am. And what I like to do is Buffalo Wild Wings, which I know is I was there. I know. I know. I just, I love B W three.
I love their food. I love the atmosphere. I absolutely loathe their service. Um At least at mine, the one on my side of town, the one over here closer to you is a little bit better. In fact, I will go out of my way to come to this one versus mine because the service there is so terrible as in slow. Like I’ve literally had probably 80% of my experiences there.
There’s one bartender, I’ll sit at the bar now because if she’s there, I know she’ll take care of me. But about 80% of my experiences at my location of B W threes um have been, I sit there for an hour and then they ask me what my order was or I’ve literally timed with, I’ve taken my kids in so there’s three of us and we’re sitting at a table and I’ve started a stopwatch when we sit down 12 minutes to have somebody take my drink order. Why would you keep going back for that?
I love the food and I, I love their wings. I don’t, I’ve never found someone else’s wings that I like as much. Um, and I love the atmosphere. I love all the TV. Si, love being able to watch all the, the ball games. Now, I can watch ball games anywhere but all the different places here that have that kind of experience. I don’t like their wings. So it’s like it kills me to go back there sometimes because I know I’m gonna be upset unless that one lady is working at the bar.
I think her name’s Carmen. Maybe I need to learn her schedule. You’re right, but not in a creepy way just in a functional way. What, what I need to do though is I need to take you with me sometimes. So you could witness the, the, the ungodly because I can’t think I haven’t had bad. You have, but I can’t, I just don’t go back. Right. But if I could talk you into destroying them on your podcast, ok.
I’ll admit I left that part in sort of out of spike. But I digress and, uh, Rosa brought me back to a good place which gave her the open door to reveal the great mystery of why she does this. I wanna focus on keeping it positive because there’s enough negativity in the world and I started doing this to pursue happiness so that I could enjoy life. Um, when I was working in the IC U I felt, um, as I was, you know, holding people’s hands while they were dying every day. Um, that if I had died that day, then I didn’t feel like I’d ever really lived.
I’ve always been a really, like, responsible person. Like I saved my first kiss for my wedding day. We, I got three degrees with no student loans. Like I’ve had practiced a lot of delayed gratification in my life. Um, I didn’t have any alcohol hardly at all until I was in my thirties. Um, so I just, I, I didn’t practice any risky behaviors and which is not bad, but at the same time I prioritized doing the responsible thing at the expense of even asking myself what do I wanna do and what would I like to do? Because I didn’t think that mattered. And so my reason for doing this was I finally was enjoying something and doing it for literally no other good reason than I enjoyed it and it wasn’t harmful. And so I was like, ok, and my husband was like, you know what, it’s way cheaper for you to go out by yourself and eat somewhere than for me to go to or the kids to go. So I’ll watch the kids and you go do that because he was tired of me sitting at home being sapped.
So, wow, that’s a great reason to do all this. So I wasn’t motivated by getting paid to have a job for that. I couldn’t help but play that clip over and over when I was putting this episode together, it might be the first time a content creator or influencer has ever told me the deep core reason they do what they do. It actually gave me pause to ask the same question to myself. I hope it does the same for you. But that’s another episode.
Another time, we’ll have more of Rosa’s story after the break. Don’t go away. Welcome back to influence. Before the break. We heard Rosa Hart share a very revealing why she creates content on social media produces a podcast, blog posts and such because it brings her happiness.
Well, she didn’t stop there. We continued the conversation and she continued to peel back the layers to reveal an emotional connection for her and her newfound path as a creator, Clarksville Tennessee. And I could go anywhere there. Uh Growing up and somebody knew my grandfather and my mom and dad and my cousins or something. And um moving here really kind of felt empty for me in that way because I didn’t have that communal feel. And I really feel like we lived here for 10 years before I started this and I felt really isolated and lonely even though I was really outgoing and new people.
Some, but this is really broadened it to where I feel at home here. There’s just something about Rose’s story and journey. I find refreshing. It’s almost like she’s a more pure version of an influencer. Perhaps she would identify more as a content creator and do away with the I word altogether. But she gets excited about just connecting with others.
No ego, no demands, just joy, food. We kind of build up this foodie collective in Louisville. We there are monthly meetups. I don’t get to go every month because um we vote on or, or there’s a randomizer that chooses who plans the meeting and then we vote on um who can go on what days and some days that it doesn’t match up. So how many people are in that? Maybe 20? And they’re all food blogger.
Well, mostly we all love to eat and we love to take pictures of our food. Some of them are on the influencer like track and others are just there to enjoy it, you know, but it is so fun to go out to eat with people who totally get the whole need to take pictures of the food and to really celebrate all of it and then, you know, talk about it all like, oh, this is so good. This is goodbye. I think I had a better one at this other place and like compare notes and teach each other how to do cool things with our camera phones. And so it’s a really great collaboration and that way we don’t feel like we’re competing with each other either for attention.
We’re sharing the attention. Right. So, I, I really liked that dynamic community feel to it. Exactly. Exactly. And there’s room enough for all of us. It’s kind of funny.
It, it’s, it parallels a little bit in the early mid two thousands, late two thousands, I guess, 2008 I think was when it was, I started the, what was at the time, the social media club of Louisville and we were on myspace back then for sure. And it evolved to what we call the Louisville Digital Association. And that was just because the National Social media Club was like, well, if you’re gonna call yourself that you have to pay dues and we were like, well, I do that. Um So, but it was the same kind of thing. It was a bunch of people who did digital marketing, social media marketing was just starting to happen.
Nobody was really doing it, but we were all asking questions about it. And is this a Exactly. So there were three or four people who were at agencies or web design shops and there were, there was a couple of people from G L I that were there and there were a couple of a entrepreneur startup guys that were there and it was the same kind of thing we were all sort of doing the same thing. And a lot of us technically were competing against each other for business, but we just enjoyed getting together and exploring all this. Who else are you gonna talk to about this stuff? Right. And there’s so much to talk about, which is like, why I was really excited to meet you and, like, talk about kind of more big picture stuff with podcasts and stuff because I’ve got my foodie buddies that we get together and take pictures of food together. But I don’t think any of them have a podcast. So I really can’t talk to them about it in a way that they could relate to the fact that Rosa has a podcast though, does set her apart as a content creator, but also as a person with influence. Well, the, the power I think for you in having the podcast is I really and truly believe this and I don’t, I don’t have a really good way to quantify it yet, even though I’ve been experimenting and trying to figure out how the difference between you and them is that you have another channel that is a deeper channel of engagement than thumb scrolling content on Instagram or tiktok, right? So you can actually sit down and have a conversation with a restaurant owner or with one of them even. And now all of a sudden there’s much more depth and breadth to the content and the audience gets more engaged and more interested in you or in the restaurant or the restaurant owner or whatever into the people behind it. Exactly. And the thing that comes with that breadth and depth of content is what I think is more true influence. So it’s one thing to have your 9700 followers on Instagram, which you do, which is awesome and, and you post whatever you post there and you’re gonna have a certain percentage of them are gonna see it and a certain percentage of that are gonna like it and comment and engage with it. But if you’ve got a podcast on top of that, the, the small percentage of the audience that’s really engaged with your content, there’s a percentage of them, they’re gonna come over and really get deeply invested. And that’s the audience where if you say, hey, I just tried this new restaurant uh that, that uh took over the now expired location of B W three S because Jason Falls, ran, ran them into the ground um by going there and paying them money.
Yeah, he, he wasn’t real smart but he ran him out of business. Um But if you go on there and say I’m go, I definitely recommend coming to this restaurant, then you’re gonna persuade those people a good portion of those people to come and try it. Whereas you post a picture and you, you do a review on Instagram. Yeah, there’s gonna be a few people that may put it on their list. But that podcast gives just much more color and character to what you’re saying. And so I think podcasters in general have more influence than they have on other social networks or other social networking influencers have because they don’t have that depth. And as it turns out the podcast brought her passion as a creator and her passion for her profession.
My coworkers are aware of my review podcast. Obviously, I don’t do that stuff on my work hours. But somebody said we need to have a neural podcast. And my boss was like, if only we knew somebody who knew how to make a podcast, who could that be sarcastically? Because she was like, so what do you think about this? And would you, I do want about stroke and I was like, yes, also, what would that look like? But yes, whatever it means I was like, I assume you don’t want me to do it with my phone like I do with my normal podcast because my workplace needs to have a very polished presence.
Once upon a time, they were a client. I get it. And so I got to stay on brand. And um so we’ve pulled together with marketing, like nobody on the marketing team is designated a podcast person. Um So I’m not encroaching on anybody’s toes. Uh So they’ve helped me pull it all together, but I do the audio and video recording and then uh we outsource the production of the editing and putting it all together and I’m talking to you in late April, uh, 2023 hasn’t launched yet. Right. Right. The first three episodes released May 1st, I’m so excited because it’s gonna be a worldwide launch with the aim of giving stroke survivors and their caregivers access to survivor stories as well as expert, uh, knowledge that they may not have access to wherever they are if they live in a rural place or, I mean, I’ve got neuro cert, a neuro specialized music therapist, certified sex therapist, pelvic floor, physical therapist, um, a Feldon Christ teacher and um, stroke survivors with unique insights, a behavioral neurologist.
They had a lot of those about a headache specialist. Those are limited in supply. And, um, I mean, there’s very few in this city and we have a program that turns them out. So, um, the fact that I’m going to be able to let anyone who has the internet have access to their knowledge is such a huge gift. I really want to get it out there to everybody because, um, they don’t even know they need it, but they do. I’m sure you caught that right.
There’s a reason this episode of influence dropped on May 1st. Rose’s New Stroke Care podcast is called Strong After Stroke. It’s available today. Wherever you get your podcasts, the episodes will also be available on Norton Healthcare’s youtube channel. We’ll make sure to include links in our show notes for a Stroke survivor, especially like you mentioned in, you know, rural communities where they don’t have a lot of resources, something like this could be a real lifeline. It really could. And in the show notes for each episode, we’re gonna have links to other free resources where they can have access to expert help.
That’s so that they can get that wherever they are. Even if they can’t travel to us to be seen in person. That’s very cool. That is very, I’m so excited and it’s video and audio. So it’ll be on youtube. That’s crazy. It’s beautiful. I, I saw the first four episodes that are done for post production. So nice. So Norton’s investing a little bit of money in it. That’s good. That’s good. So did, I mean, you didn’t come to Norton to be uh a TV show host. Did you ever think you would be doing something for your profession on the internet like this?
No, I, my first bachelor’s degrees in singing. Never. It’s all that coming. OK. Well, that’s, that’s the power of social media and being a content creator. Yeah, that’s true. Very true. Refreshing. That’s the adjective that kept popping into my head as I learned more about Rosa Hart.
Not only does she buck the trend of the typical influencer journey and the typical influencer motivation, but she’s in the right place at the right time to say yes to the opportunity to bring new content to the world that serves a greater purpose. I suppose that’s what you would expect from a nurse. That’s certainly a segment of our world that often goes underappreciated. But they’re always there when we need them. I’m glad for that. But I was talking to a man today who said he wanted to have a podcast and I said, what about? And he had a very niche, certain idea of what he wanted to talk about and who he wanted to talk to. And I was like, you could do that. And he was like, I don’t have all this fancy equipment.
I said I have 75 episodes of film with my phone and nothing’s stopping you. And I encouraged him to think of it the way I did in that these are conversations that need to be had, even if 100 people don’t sit down and listen to it right away. You’re having an important poignant conversation with a person who’s also invested in it and you’re skipping a small talk about the weather and the um the formalities that we often cushion things with and you just go deep into the topic and hit it and that’s how you can brainstorm solutions a lot of the time. And um I believe I heard that the average podcast only has three episodes. So a lot of people assume that the podcast market is saturated, but it’s really not. Maybe somebody else had the same idea as you, but maybe they don’t do much with it. And so if you just keep going and put your thing out there, then people who are interested will find it refreshing, right and genuine. And I think you might appreciate how my invitation to Rose’s dining room came about. So we talked about that as well.
I have followed you and listened to a couple of episodes of the podcast just because a as the influencer marketing guy or one of the influencer marketing guys in Louisville, I like to know who’s here. I like to know. Yeah, I like to know who the people are because if I suddenly have a new client tomorrow that is a restaurant or a food brand, uh like Hall’s Beer cheese and they want to hit the Louisville market. I like to know who people are in my own hometown anyway. I don’t know who anybody is in San Antonio, but I can research that when I need to, but I should know my backyard. So I’ve known of you for a couple of years and followed you and all that good stuff, but we never really connected.
I think I may have sent you an email once upon a time about something here and there. But we got connected because Hall’s beer Cheese is a client at C O. My team at CPO reached out to you to do some Hall’s beer cheese uh um content and you didn’t want to owe off to our platform. Why, why not? Because lots of spammer call, like, send you things and are like send you to a fake page that wants you to log in to your Facebook. So then they have your log in and then they destroy your life. And I didn’t want my entire work that I’ve been trying to build for the last three years to be destroyed. There you go. That’s a perfectly, I didn’t have time to Google C O and see if it was a scam. Ok. Well, and that’s a perfectly valid, you know, if it looks more realistic, then usually I will Google it and look into it and see like is this a real company or is this some like hacker? So what did you think when I reached out to you? Because I I I ID M you on Instagram to say, hey, I’m, I’m work at CPO.
I’m here in Louisville. Like I can come hang out. I was like, well, that was exactly what I want is to meet the real people who do the real things. And then I looked at your channel and saw what you were doing. And so that gave me historical context for your company without having to go a little social proof there for you.
You, you doing it for a few minutes. So, so now now you’re connected, right? You off then I was very quickly. Did you get your beer cheese yet. It should be, should be.
If I have known I brought it with me. Oh, you have it. I have all kinds of cheese. I stayed. Well, I’m on a diet so I couldn’t have it today. You don’t have to eat the whole carton. You can just have a little spread on a cracker.
That’s what you can find Rosa Hart at Lore review dot com. Search for the Lou Review podcast wherever you get your podcasts. She’s also at lo food reviews on Instagram. Strong after Stroke is also available wherever you get your podcasts, you can find the videos on Norton Healthcare’s youtube channel. The Norton Neuroscience Institute has its own Facebook page where you can follow along there and do keep in mind the show is for everyone, not just stroke survivors and their families in Louisville. So share those links with the people, you know, who might appreciate and need that content since this episode was a very different experience that I normally present.
I would love your reaction and feedback, not just to Rosa and her story, but the pseudo documentary style we used. Was it interesting? Was it enjoyable? I may do more like this? If so pop me an email to Jason at Jason Falls dot com and let me know what you thought your feedback is always welcome and appreciated.
If you do enjoy influence, help us grow and tell someone about the show, you probably know someone who might want to know more about influence marketing, send them to influence pod dot com or share a link to this episode on your social network of choice. If you have a moment, drop influence or rating or review on your favorite podcast app, we are on the mall. The show is now on video as well. Just look for Jason Falls, influence on youtube to see the show as well as hear it. Influence is a production of Falls and Partners and presented by CPO dot A I. The technical production is by MP N Studios. Win. Influence airs along MP N the marketing podcast network. Thanks for listening, folks. Let’s talk again soon on Influence.