One of my favorite things to do is chat with brand-side social marketers about the day-in, day-out of the job. Social media campaigns, engaging consumers in conversation and fleshing out what makes social media marketing successful. Tod Meisner is the social media lead for Aflac. The iconic supplemental insurance company is known far and wide for its famous duck. But awareness is one piece of the puzzle.

As Tod says in the podcast, it’s great that Aflac is well known, but they’re not known well. We get into that and more of his take on social media campaigns and engagement, his professor role at both Auburn and Arizona State and his newfound appreciation for the minimalist movement.

Dial it up and share with your friends!

Tod Meisner on Go Ahead Caller

Tod Meisner can be found on all the social networks as @TodMeisner and online at his blog on marketing, minimalism and more. You can connect with him on LinkedIn here.

Other links and show notes:

Go Ahead Caller is sponsored by my friends at Switcher Studio. Get a two-week free trial of the video production software I use on Go Ahead Caller at After your trial, you can use the code FALLS and get 10% off your subscription for as long as you have it! Yep! You get 10% off for the life of your subscription, no matter how long you use it. And come watch the show if you want to see it in action. When I talk about them on the program, I show you how it works. So simple and easy, even I can do it.

Join me next Tuesday morning at 8 a.m. ET/5 a.m. PT over on LinkedIn as we welcome Justin Hall will be with us. We’ll talk creativity, code, web dev and the future of it all colliding with marketing with one of Fast Company’s 100 Most Creative People in Business. Don’t miss that, next Tuesday at 8 a.m. ET live on LinkedIn!

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