Nothing gets me excited quite like finding like minded people who are interested in and knowledgeable about the same things I am and having a good conversation. That’s why I started this podcast. I feel like I eat, sleep and breathe influence marketing these days. So I love talking to smart people who do the same.
Henry Langer is one of those people. He’s the vice-president of customer success at Julius, my influencer marketing platform of choice. You’ve heard about them because they sponsor the show and I use their platform. But one of the reasons I like them so are the brilliant people there, like Henry, who I can chew the fat with on the industry.

We synced up last week to have one of those chat sessions and hit record so he could share some insight into what he’s doing and seeing with the variety of clients he solves problems for every day. Henry and his team work with Julius’s clients and help them vet influencers, develop processes to manage and measure influencer campaigns and beyond.
When you’re hands-on, solving brand problems all day every day, you get really smart about influence marketing real fast. And those kind of folks are the ones I value chatting with the most. You’ll see why on today’s episode. Get ready to take some notes.
And yes … this episode is also sponsored by Julius. We do talk about some of its features and reasons I use them during the chat, but as you’ll hear, Henry brings the knowledge, which is why he’s the guest on this episode. Regardless, you owe it to yourself to do a demo of Julius today!
Julius is an official partner of this show and the software I mention more than others in my book, because it’s the platform I’ve been using for a few years now to find influencers, engage with them and manage campaigns. Julius has powerful filters that let me drill down find just the food and beverage influencers in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Or the men’s fashion voices that most impact Vancouver. But it certainly also gives me the mega influencers and celebrity influencers I might need to help launch a beauty, tech or automotive product. And in most cases, it has contact information so I don’t have to go fishing to reach them.
All the elements of campaign management are in the software, too. I love the fact I can assign a purchase price or value to every single social deliverable that is a part of campaign, automatically track it based on when the influencer says they’ll post, and get an ROI report for each element. You know I wouldn’t say this if it wasn’t true — You owe it to your brand or agency to do a demo of Julius today. Go to and request one.
The Winfluence theme music is “One More Look” featuring Jacquire King and Stephan Sharp by The K Club found on Facebook Sound Collection.

Order Winfluence now!
Winfluence – Reframing Influencer Marketing to Ignite Your Brand is available now in paperback, Kindle/eBook and audio book formats. Get it in the medium of your choice on Amazon or get a special discount on the paperback version of the book by clicking the button below, buying on the Entrepreneur Press bookstore and using the discount code FALLS20. That earns you 20% off the retail price. Read and learn why we’ve been backed into a corner to think influencer marketing means Instagram and YouTube and how reframing it to be “influence” marketing makes us smarter marketers.