Do all small businesses need a website? You’d think that a digital marketing guy would answer, “yes.” But my answer is actually “no.” But it’s really the difference in knowing what you “need” versus what is “good to have.”

Blank laptop computerA website can be a critical component of your small business marketing efforts. And a few years ago I would have insisted that all small businesses need one. But Google has changed the game.

So I tackled that topic of small business websites in the first Go Ahead Caller episode that isn’t an interview. Jump in and listen as I explain why all small businesses do not need a website, even if it’s smart for them to have one.

Join me for the live recording of Go Ahead Caller at 8 a.m. ET/5 a.m. PT each Tuesday (though, we’re taking next Tuesday, the 23rd off). That’s the interview version of the podcast. These quick clip, point of view episodes are exclusive to the podcast subscribers.

Speaking of which, why not subscribe? Just look for Go Ahead Caller or Jason Falls wherever you get your podcasts. And once you’ve listened, drop me a review, please? Those are big deals in ranking and rating podcasts as well as surfacing good ones for those people searching for them. I’d love to be an option for folks like you looking for a good one!

Do you agree or disagree with my take? Jump in the comments and let me know!

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